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We stand for the truth in the true Word of God.

A Message from the Pastor

Dear friends,

We are delighted to have you visit with us. It is my privilege to serve as the pastor of the Westside Baptist Church. Our heartfelt prayer is for people to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, and become actively involved in a Bible- believing, Bible preaching church that

cares for them. We stand for the truth found in the true Word of God and devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Pastor Eustace Kariuki

2 Timothy 2:2

What to expect?

You can expect to find a warm welcome and personal assistance. You can expect the Bible to be taught and preached as the inerrant and infallible Word of God. You can expect hearty singing of the great hymns of our faith. You can expect music from our choirs, groups, instrumentalists and individuals that honors Christ, preparing the heart for worship and the ministry of the Word of God. You can expect to find a church that contends for the faith once delivered to the saints as its sacred heritage.

You can expect to find a Bible-teaching Sunday School class for every member of your family. You can expect to find a church family that prays for each other’s needs. You can expect to find a place to serve Christ in the ministry of this local church. You can expected to find a church advancing in the work God has given it to do, both in our community and around the world. You can expect to find this and much more. Visit with us this Sunday!



Thank you for visiting our Westside Baptist Church of Kenya! If you have any more questions, please check our FAQ section below or feel free to contact us directly through the website. Look forward to having you visit us.


Yes, well-trained, and devoted workers care for children ranging in age from birth through age five during every service. You will be given a pager and instantly alerted should you be needed to care for your child. Our ushers will gladly guide you to the nursery facilities.

This church is a Baptist church by conviction and principle, not by affiliation. this means that we believe the basic bible teachings for which Baptists have historically stood. as Baptists, we believe the following: the bible is our sole authority for all matters of faith and practice. the church should be autonomous or self-governing. the believer does not need a priest, other than Jesus Christ, to come boldly to God. every Christian has equal access to God personally. God’s word gives us two ordinances for the church – baptism and the Lord’s supper. each person is individually responsible for his decision to accept Christ. The separation of church and state is biblical. the believer is eternally secure and cannot lose salvation. there are two biblical offices in the church – pastors and deacons.

As an independent Baptist church, we are not affiliated with any particular Baptist denomination or ruling body. because of this, we can support our own missionaries, select our own leaders, and support institutions that believe as we believe. in short, our church answers to the headship of Jesus Christ rather than a denominational body. there are currently more than 10,000 independent Baptist churches in America and thousands more throughout the world.

There are two types of ministry involvement at Westside Baptist. Hundreds of people help in a given month with volunteer projects such as maintenance and office related projects. Feel free to contact the church office if you would like to volunteer your time in this way. If you are interested in teaching, helping, singing, or other visible positions of leadership; an appointment must be set with the ministry leader. Often a waiting period and a spiritual gift assessment are required.

Ultimately, Christ is the Head of this church. On a daily basis, the church is primarily led by the pastor and pastoral leadership team. The team works together in prayer and decision-making to follow the leading of God for our church ministry. Also, our deacons serve as a church-elected group that meets with the pastor monthly to review and discuss matters of church importance. This provides a high level of accountability, as well as a great spirit of team cooperation, as we follow God’s leading for this church.

This simply means that we are not a part of the modern-day charismatic movement. We do not practice speaking in tongues, faith healing, sensationalism, or believe in extra-biblical revelation. While there are many people who prefer to worship in this way, we choose to worship in ways that we feel to be consistent with God’s Word and with His plan for this church.

We have never practiced pressure techniques or fundraising schemes. Rather, we choose to occasionally preach and teach what God’s Word says about Christian stewardship and giving. How you respond to that teaching is a heart issue between you and the Lord. The only time you will be contacted about your giving is either when you request it, or when you receive our annual giving statement summary.

Hundreds of lives are touched weekly through the many outreach ministries of our church. In addition, our deacons oversee people with basic needs from within and without the church. Each need is carefully evaluated and met to the best of our ability.

Service Times

Connection Classes – 9:30am
Sunday Worship Service – 10:30am
Thursday Evening Prayer Meeting – 6pm

Our Location

We are currently meeting at CHAK GUEST HOUSE off Waiyaki Way past Deloitte Building. You can easily find Chak Guest House on Google map and it will bring you right where we are! Karibu sana!!